
  • . Zulfadli
  • . Syofiani
  • . Gusnetti


This research aim to for the mendeskripsikan of form, situation context and type act to say seller derektif and buyer of merchant dress in market of Kinali, Sub-Province of Pasaman West. Theory the used is told by theory is Tarigan and also some other supporter theory, like Wijana and of Rohmadi, Sumarsono and of Paina Partama, Chaer and of Leonie, and Yule regarding/ hit to act to say. this Research type is research qualitative by using descriptive method that is by collecting, identifying, analysing, interpreting data, and conclude data. this Research object is acting to say seller and buyer of merchant dress in market of Kinali Sub-Province of Pasaman West. Pursuant to result of research, researcher find 61 data from 5 record, found by tuturan is researcher ofis four of type act to say is directive the than six type act to say directively, that is acting to say directively of request 11 data, question 42 data, comand 5 data, and advice 3 data. From result of data, that form act to say directively of merchant dress in market of Kinali Sub-Province of Pasaman most used by dominant West is acting to say directively of question, while least found by is directive of advise. Pursuant to result of research, can be concluded its ithim merchant dress in market of Kinali Sub-Province of Pasaman Barat often use to act to say directive at the (time) of sales interaction. The mentioned proved with many him used to act to say directively of request, question, comand, prohibition order, gift/ giving of advice and permit. With existence of acting to say directive will give effect which both for interaction among/between buyer and merchant.

Keyword: Act To Say, Act To Say Directively, Merchant of Cloth.



