Kesantunan Pragmatik Imperatif Tindak Tutur Pedagang Sayur Di Pasar Batusangkar Suatu Kajian Pragmatik


  • Ponita Kristina.S
  • . Syofiani
  • Romi Isnanda


The motivated in this research is politeness aspect revealed by the greengrocer while trade in Batusangkar  market. This research used the theory from Hasan theory (1991) about the language, Abdul Chaer (2010) about the events Speech, Syahrul (2010) politeness. The type of research is a qualitative descriptive method. The object of this research is a vegetable vendor in the  Batusangkar market. Data collection techniques (1) to record speech expressed by the greengrocer, (2) to transcript recorded speech into the text (3 to classification data based on the type of utterances (4) to analysis the politeness speech from Leech theory. The results of this research is speech imperative expressed by The traders currently trading activity relatively polite. From the six aspects observed directive speech acts, speech acts most. Commonly found is that the narrative imperative demand as much as a data, the imperative insistence as many as 11 data, the imperative of persuasion as much as 22, the imperative suggestion by 4 data, the imperative swear as much as 7 data, the imperative of hope as much as 1 data. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the speech politeness imperative expressed by the greengrocer while doing the activity classified in accordance follow the principle mannered politeness stated by Leech.

Key word: Speech Acts, Pragmatics Imperative, Traders


