Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe NHTDisertai Kuis Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas X SMAN 1 Linggo Sari Baganti


  • Asda Sri Wahyuni
  • . Mukhni
  • . fauziah



There search problemis thelack of activityand poor learning out comes students' mathematics learningin class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti. Appropriate strategies todeal with that kind of strategy Learning Numbered Head Together with quiz. The aim of thestudy is to examinehow the development of learning activities and the results of students' mathematics learning in class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti with using this type of strategy Numbered Head Together Learning Learning is better than ordinary learning. This type of research is eksperimenta. Population is all of the students in class X SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti. Samples X.2 as experimental class and X.6 as the control class. Based on the analysis of data and t_hitung=2.98, t_table=2:00. The conclusion isthat the development ofan excellent student learning activities and learning out comes math class X of SMAN I Linggo Sari Baganti by applying Numbered Head Together is better than the usual learning.

Keywords –Learning, mathematics, Numbered Head Together, quiz


