Perancangan Peta Sistem Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Bung Hatta dengan bantuan Augmented Reality (AR) berbasis Android


  • Dina Safitri
  • . Zulherman
  • Karmila Suryani


Nowadays, technology develops rapidly, especially technology in computer field which dominates market. One of technologies that is currently being developed is AR tech. In this research, the researcher aims to make an application maps for the new admissions system using AR android basis tech in reguler lines. To produce an application the researcher/writer uses waterfall method by doing analysis phase, design application,, coding, and testing application by the experts or professional and users. This system maps application named "ARMaps" which displays an information  of registration stages and re-registration at Bung Hatta University period 2015/2016. With this application, the researcher indirectly introduces students outside the field of science AR tech, especially for the new students later. This application can only runs on any android operating system and the application is expected to be developed  in additon to android.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Android, and ARMapS


