
  • Febri Yofi
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • . Syofiani


This research aimed to the result of hypothesis showing that the used of greeting word for society of Desa Bunga Tanjung affected by the outside of greeting word. This research purpose to describe the form and using of greeting word for nuclear family and family expanded. The theory that using on this research are (1.) Chaer and Leoni (2010) about the meaning of sociolinguistics, (2.) Syafyahya (2000) about greeting word, (3.) Chaer (1998) about the meaning of greeting word. The types of research is qualitative research with descriptive method. The collecting data doing with direct observation on research areas and questionnaire about form and using of greeting word. The result of this research are; First, form of greeting word for relatives family, (1) apak,(2) amak,(3) acik, uda, (4) call the name (5) anah, (6) ane, (7) call the name. Second, form of greeting word for nuclear family, (1) greeting for ayah, (2) greeting for ibu, (3) greeting for suami, (4) greeting for istri,(5) greeting for kakak Lk, (6) greeting for kakak Pr (7) greeting for adik Lk/Pr. The word greeting extended. First, the form that most used. (1) nenek, (2) anun, (3) pak aong, (4) mak aong, (5) pak jang, (6) etek, (7) cik ngah, (8) upik, (9) udo, (10) adik, (11) chal the name, (12) apak, (13) amak, (14) call the name. The greeting word that slightly used are;  (1) adang, atuk, (2) sebai, ayek (3) pak wo, pak ngah (4) mak wo, mak ngah (5) pak cik (6) mak dik (7) ayuk, (8) abang (9) cucung. Second,  the use of greeting word for expanded family that many used are,(1) kakek, (2) nenek,  (3) kakak Lk ayah/ibu, (4)  kakak Pr ayah/ibu, (5) adik Lk ayah/ibu, (6) greeting for adik Pr ayah/ibu (7) greeting for kakak ipar Pr (8) greeting for adik ipar Pr (9) greeting for kakak ipar Lk (10) greeting for adik ipar Pr (11) greeting for mertua Lk, (12) greeting for  mertua PR, (13) greeting for cucu Lk/Pr. The use of greeting word that less are , (1) greeting for kakek, (2) greeting for nenek,  (3) greeting for kakak Lk ayah/ibu, (4) greeting for  kakak Pr ayah/ibu, (5) adik Lk ayah/ibu, (6) greet adik Pr ayah/ibu (7) greet kakak ipar Pr (8) greeting for kakak ipar Lk (10) greeting for mertua Lk, (11) greeting for  mertua PR,(12) greeting for cucu Lk/Pr.   Finally, we can summarize that the use of greeting word on Desa Bunga Tanjung does not have effect by the different level of education, mobility, and economic class of society.

Key words : greeting word, Desa Bunga Tanjung


