
  • Fadilla Syahnur
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Syofiani .


The purpose of this study were (1) to describe social problems, (2) the causes and (3) the solution of social problems in novel Surat Dahlan by Krishna Pabichara. The theory used are the opinion of Soekanto and Sulistyowati (2013) about social issues, causes and solution of social problems, as well as the opinion of Rokhmansyah (2014) about the intrinsic and extrinsic structure of the novel. The research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. Technique performed to analyze the data was (1) classifying data related to social problems based on forms, causes, and solutions, (2) analyzing the forms, causes and solution of social problems contained in the novel Surat Dahlan, (3) interpreting the findings and (4) making the conclusion. Based on the results of data analysis found the following. The first social problem found (1) in the problem of poverty experienced by he among others he did not have money for college (2) the issue of family disorganization. Dahlan just married should be a part with his wife for the task of learning to Jakarta to get necessities of life (3) on the issue of young people in the modern society when Dahlan and friends PII rallied to defend the people's fate, (4) namely the environmental problems of the New Order of Suharto (5) the problem of bureaucracy, when Dahlan denied the theory of speech freedom, as said by the Dahlan’s lecture Mr. Rahim. Second, the factors that cause social problems (a) economic factors, (b) biological factors, (c) psychological factors, (d) cultural factors. Third, the solution offered is a solution using repressive methods. Most social problems faced by Dahlan Iskhan is the problem about environment when the new orde Suharto. Finally, we can conclude that novel Surat Dahlan by Krishna Pabichara have the social problems.


Key words: Novel, Intrinsic Elements, Social Issues.


