Pengaruh MotivasiBelajar dan Kebiasaan Belajar TerhadapHasilBelajarSiswapada MataPelajaranTeknologiInformasidanKomunikasi(TIK) KelasX di SMA N 1 Tigo Nagari (Kabupaten Pasaman)


  • Mega Selvia
  • . Khairudin
  • Karmila Suryani


The aim of the study is to analyze  theffect of learning motivation and habits toward students achievement in technology information and communication (TIK) at tenth grade students of SMAN 1 TigoNagariPasaman. The type of the study is descriptive correlation. This study want to see if learning motivation and habits affecting students’ achievement. In this study, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the sample class. Technique sampling of the study is simple random sampling. The samples took from all population randomly by collecting tenth grade students’ second term mid-test score, and then the researcher did normality test, homogenity test and avarage similarity. From the tests, it was gotten 40 samples from class X.1. The data of students’ achievement were gotten from second daily test in second term. The data reflected students’ achievementin technology information and communication (TIK) subject. Moreover, the data of learning motivation and habits were collected from questionnaires by using likert scale which validity and reliability has been tested. The correlation and regression analyzed by using statistic method with SPSS version 17. The result showed that: (1) learning motivation contributed to students’ achievement by 19.81 %; (2) learning habits contributed to students’ achievement by 10.17%; and (3) learning motivation and habits contributed to students’ achievement by 22.28%. From the study, it can be conclude that learning motivation and habits has contribution to students’ achievement.

Keyword: learning motivation, learning habits, students’ achievement


