
  • Juwita Liswani M
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Syofiani .


This study aimed to describe the shape of patience and religious values in the novel Mekkah by Aguk Irawan MN, as well as the link between patience with religious values. The theory used in this research are the theory of literature proposed by Nurgiyantoro (2007), the theory of patience proposed by Asmaran (2002), and the theory of religious values suggested by Fuady (2008). This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The steps of data analysis are (1) classifying the data obtained from the inventory that has been done on the shape of patience main character and values of religiosity, which include faith, sharia, and morals, (2) analyzing the data which have been obtained by using patience theory and the theory of religious values, (3) interpreting patience relationship forms the main character with a value of religiosity, and (4) take the conclusions of the analysis and interpret. The results showed that there are 36 data about patience consists of, (1) patience in worship 5 data, seen from the behavior of leaders obedient to worship even in sickness, (2) patience when over written calamity 8 data, it can be seen from the attitude istiqamah figure when his father died, (3) patience on the lives of the world 3 the data, drawn from the attitude of leaders prioritizing responsibilities than money, (4) patience take away from immoral are 7 data, drawn from the behavior of leaders who always shied away from fornication, (5) patience in the struggle there are 13 data seen from the behavior of leaders who are willing to become a maid in a foreign land for the sake of happy family. Based on religious values are (1) the value of faith 29 the data, seen from the attitude istiqamah to God, (2) the value of the sharia 9 data, can be seen from the obedience in conducting worship in accordance with the rules of religion, and (3) the value of morals 22 data looks of fellow caring attitude and an attitude of gratitude. It can be concluded from the analysis of data that were predominantly found patience is patience in the struggle, and the dominant religious values found is the value of faith, as well as the relationship between patience with the religious values that are interrelated. Keywords: Patience, Religious Values, Main Figures of Novel, Novel Relig


