Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengelolaan Informasi Kelas X Teknik Komputer Jaringan di SMK Adzkia Padang


  • Andre Yohendra
  • Yusri Wahyuni



The results of class X student TKJ SMK Adzkia Padang is still much below the criteria for completeness Minimum (KKM) due to the learning method that is used is still a learning common as penyampaikan material orally so that students feel bored or uncomfortable in the classroom finally students' motivation was be reduced. Therefore, one of the strategies that can be used to overcome this problem is to implement learning model Quantum Learning. This study aims to determine students' learning outcomes KKPI with Quantum Learning model of learning is better than learning outcomes KKPI students who use regular learning in class X TKJ SMK Adzkia Padang. The hypothesis of this study is the result of learning KKPI student using Quantum Learning learning model is better than using regular teaching class X TKJ SMK Adzkia Padang. Type of research is experimental research. Population in this research is all class X TKJ SMK Adzkia Padang in the school year 2015/2016 consisting of two homogeneous classes. Total sampling sampling because the three conditions ranging from normal distributed population and bervariansi homogeneous and has an average similarity are met then the chosen X TKJ 1 as an experimental class and the class X TKJ 2 as the control class. Based on data from KKPI learning outcomes of students at grade samples, hypothesis testing is done by testing the average difference in the level of α = 0.05. From the calculation results obtained t_hitung = 3.31 and t_tabel = 1.671. Because t_hitung> t_tabel then the hypothesis is accepted. It can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students learning KKPI implement Quantum Learning model of learning is better than learning outcomes of students who apply learning KKPI usual. Based on the results of this study suggest that teachers KKPI researchers can apply the learning model Quantum Learning in learning KKPI as one effort to make learning to become more active and can make student learning outcomes for the better.



Keywords : Learning Model , Quantum Learning , KKPI .


