
  • Riphal Taru
  • Syofiani .
  • Romi Isnanda


This study aimed to describe the cultural values in the novel Penari Kampus works Nang Syamsuddin which include cultural values, namely (1) the nature of human life, (2) the nature of human work, (3) the nature of man with time, (4) the nature of man with nature, (5) the nature of human relationships with each other. The theory used in this study on cultural values expressed, Abdurahman (2002), type of research is a qualitative descriptive method proposed by Moleong (2010). Data taken from dialogue that exist in the novel Penari Kampus as follows: (1) the nature of human life, in the form of signs of semiotic, novel excerpts that refer to nature and human action to other humans. (2) the nature of human work, the actions and words of figures such as greeting build, motivate, educate and responsible. (3) the nature of man with time, activity in dialok figure which refers to the time or times. (4) the nature of man and nature, how his characters to conquer nature such as utilizing the rice paddies to the family income. (5) the nature of human relationships with each other, the relationship between the main character with other figures such as uncle replace the father figure who forget the responsibility. It can be concluded that this novel open people's eyes about the vagaries of life of a dancer, a cynical view of the problems in society and the family. This novel taught about the struggle of life, patience and loyalty.


Keywords: Cultural Values, Novel Penari Kampus


