
  • Tia Purnama Sari
  • Eddy Soesilo
  • Hendra Hidayat


Processing Presence school students to do as well as presence will be evidence of student discipline in class as well as a proof of the presence of students in participating in the learning process. In addition, the process of determining the presence of student teachers still done manually so that the constraints in the data recap attendance at school very long. To overcome the problem of presence data processing student information system made online presence, at SMAN 17 Tebo who have problems Presence student data processing. The design of a new online information system made to obtain information that can simplify and accelerate the presence statements in accordance with user needs, so as to assist in data processing student presence. The research method used is a method of analysis and design to produce an analysis of the new system. Online presence information system design is done using a web-based programming languages PHP, MySQL database and tools such as ASI (Flow of Information Systems), DFD (Data Flow Diagram), and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). With these tools will be generated multiple interrelated files in a database. The database is indispensable in the design of a new system for easy access to any file in it. The resulting online presence can provide convenience in the presence of data processing, and data is not easily damaged and lost, the data can be viewed by other media in addition to the computer.

 Keywords: Data Processing Presence Student, Easy

Processing Presence school students to do as well as presence will be evidence of student discipline in class as well as a proof of the presence of students in participating in the learning process. In addition, the process of determining the presence of student teachers still done manually so that the constraints in the data recap attendance at school very long. To overcome the problem of presence data processing student information system made online presence, at SMAN 17 Tebo who have problems Presence student data processing. The design of a new online information system made to obtain information that can simplify and accelerate the presence statements in accordance with user needs, so as to assist in data processing student presence. The research method used is a method of analysis and design to produce an analysis of the new system. Online presence information system design is done using a web-based programming languages PHP, MySQL database and tools such as ASI (Flow of Information Systems), DFD (Data Flow Diagram), and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). With these tools will be generated multiple interrelated files in a database. The database is indispensable in the design of a new system for easy access to any file in it. The resulting online presence can provide convenience in the presence of data processing, and data is not easily damaged and lost, the data can be viewed by other media in addition to the computer. Keywords: Data Processing Presence Student, Easy


