Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Drill And Pratice Berbasis Multimedia Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran TIK Kelas VII SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang


  • Rahmat Ramadhan
  • Dr. Azrita, M.Si
  • Riska Amelia



The porpose of this research is to know the effect method drill and pratice studying result on TIK subject at sevenyh grade SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang. The population of this reseach was all of the sevents in SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang on 2014/2015, which it was about five class with 145 student. Sample was determined by doing purposive dsmpling  method, while to determine the experiment class and control  calss were doing randomly which the result was class VII.4 chose a the experiment class  with 37 student, and class VII.3  as the control class with 35 student. The instrument that usen wan an objektive test  to know the the cognitive aspect of learnign result which try out did to determine  valid question first for the last test. The research result showed that the average for the experiment class was 77,13 and 69,31 for the control class. Based on the statistics in avident degree α = 0,05 so t count > t table (2.248>1,667), so the conclusion is hypothesis’s acceptable. Based on the research result, the research conclude that there is α different in technology, information and communcation studying result with the given treament such as theimplementation method drill and pratice in process as one of alternative wa to reach the aim s=of studying and increase the studying result in SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang


Keyword : Drill And Practice learning methods, Learning outcomes and Experiments


