Perancangan Sistem Inventaris Barang Sekolah Menggunakan Java NetBeans IDE 7.2


  • M. Wasilah Hadi
  • Karmila Suryani, M.Kom
  • Rini Widyastuti, M.Kom


The purpose of this research is produce goods inventory system implemented in SMPN 4 districts 2X11 Kayu Tanam. In this study the authors used waterfall method and the java programming language. The steps carried out by the waterfall method is the analysis (analyzing the field to get the data), the design (design input, output design, and design files), encoding (the application software into the design), testing (minimize error). Before the inventory system has been implemented testing to experts and declared fit for use. The resulting inventory system can facilitate the search data related to the data supply of goods and purchase of goods for the purposes of this research sekolah.Tujuan that produce goods inventory system implemented in SMPN 4 districts 2X11 Kayu Tanam. In this study the authors used waterfall method and the java programming language. The steps carried out by the waterfall method is the analysis (analyzing the field to get the data), the design (design input, output design, and design files), encoding (the application software into the design), testing (minimize error). Before the inventory system has been implemented testing to experts and declared fit for use. The resulting inventory system can facilitate the search data related to the data supply of goods and purchase of goods for the purposes of the school.


Keyword: Inventaris Of Information System


