
  • Mutiara Widya Utami
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


This research aimed to describe the humanity facts, collective subject, worldview, structure of literature works, dialectic comprehension and also the entire parts in short story Jelaga Pusaka Tinggi. The theory used is genetik structuralism according to Faruk (2005) and supported oppinions of Kurniawan (2012) and Nurgiyantoro (2010). This research was qualitative research with descriptive method. The source of the data is a collection of short stories from Jelaga Pusaka Tinggi, which focus on some short stories i.e. “Pusaka Tinggi”, “Lagu Tanah Pusaka”, “Tali Bandar”, “Uwo”. Technique analysis of the data are classifiying which had been identified, connecting the author’s background, connecting sosio-cultural background with the structure of the short story, making a conclusion, and writing the reports. The result of the genetic structuralism of the short stories “Pusaka Tinggi”, “Lagu Tanah Pusaka” “Tali Bandar”, and “Uwo” has shown that the humanity of facts which appeared is the behavior of the society who use simple ways in their daily life, collective subject found genetic relationship group in matrilineal system Minangkabau, world view found the connection of function and position of a person based on the custom in Minangkabau. The humanity of facts, collective subject, and world view are described in the theme, morality, characterization, background plot, point of view, and language style in the four of short stories. It has connection with the authors background and socio-cultural background. Dialectic comprehension and the entire parts of the short story has shown that there are connection between the four aspects of genetik structuralism; structure of the short story described background of the people in Minangkabau in genetic relationship which is based on the customs that arrange the behavior patterns of the community.         


Keywords: genetic structuralism, Minangkabau, collection of short storiesJelaga Pusaka Tinggi


