
  • Dina Syahpita Sari
  • Yetty Morelent
  • Syofiani .


This study was aimed to describe the educational values of characters in the novel with the title “Karnoe (Not Written History Behind Big Name)” the novel written by Santani Khairen Jombang. The theory that used  to analyze the literature, especially novel, was theory of Atmazaki (2007) and theory of Nurgiyanto (2010). The opinion expressed by Kurniawan (2013) was used to analyze the values of characters educations. The design of this research was qualitative descriptive method. Technique of analyzing data implemented as follows: 1. Classify the data, 2. Analyze the data which have been grouped according to the aspects studied, 3. Interpret the result of data analysis 4. Formulate conclusions of data analysis. Based on the data analysis, the results are: (1) a religious form of figures Jahen reminded his friend that worship the command of Allah, (2) tolerance in the form of mutual respect for religious differences and attitudes towards fellow human beings, (3) the discipline in the form of respect every time there is, ( 4) the hard work in the form of attitudes and actions that are serious about doing something like tasks in the organization, (5) a curiosity in the form of curiosity leader Joseph about what he did not know by asking questions, (6) patriotism in the form of gesture figure always proud to use Indonesian products than an imported products, (7) peaceful form never sided with anyone and do not like the noise, (8) likes to read such an attitude character portrayed by coming to the library to read and attitudes figure read reading news , (9) concerned about the environment in the form of figures Mas Karnoe who cleaned the rubbish that is in the drain of his house to prevent flooding, (10) social care in the form of all the attitude of the leaders who always advised to remind their neighbors to always care about (11) responsibility namely in the form of figures Mas Karnoe responsible for his doing. Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that the most dominant use of the value of character education is social care that can be seen in figures is a person who cares for others.

Keyword : Values Education of Character and Novel of Karnoe (History Do not be written at the opposite of Big Name)


