Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Dengan Macromedia Authorware 7.0 Pada Materi Dasar-dasar Penggunaan Internet Dan Intranet SMP N 1 Ranah Batahan Pasbar
This study aims to produce this present time media interactive learning, practical learning of Information and Communication Technology. Media interactive learning are not unusual anymore. Most schools are now using interactive learning media. The material presented into an interactive learning media must be in accordance with the existing curriculum in the secondary. Interactive learning media by using Macromedia Authorware 7.0 which used to be attractive students and easy to use by the subject teachers Information and Communication Technology in schools. One of the steps in the journey that is by observation in secondary geverment Ranah Batahan. It is caused by a lack of pull media that carried out by the subject teachers Information and Communication Technology. In order to assist students in understanding the teaching materials using Macromedia Authorware 7.0. the teaching materials can speed up the process of understanding the learners in discussing the problems of their. In the manufacture of interactive learning media writer uses Macromedia Authorware 7.0. so by using this learning software user can understand and learning materials The work that Information and Communication Technology individually at home quickly and effectively.
Keywords: learning, interactive media, MacromediaAuthorware 7.0 program