Penerapan Model Pembelajaran ARIAS (Assurance, Relevance, Interest, Assessment and Satisfaction) dalam Pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP N 27 Padang


  • Rini Suryani Sihombing
  • . Khairudin
  • Karmila Suryani


This research aims to know the application of models of learning TIK learning result against ARIAS grade VIII in SMP Negeri Padang 27. The method of research used experiment by using Pretest-Posttest design Control Group.  This research was carried out in SMP N 27 Meadow on a grade VIII using random sampling techniques, acquired a number of VIII.8 class of 28 students as class experiments and class VIII.4 a number of 32 students as a class controls. The collection of data in this study using the test results of learning cognitive and psychomotor domain sheet. The cognitive domain test consists of 10-reserved descriptions, test given before students obtain treatment (pretest) and after the student is given the treatment (posttest). Data analysis technique used is the test of normality, test its homogeneity, and a test of the difference the average classroom experimentation and classroom control. The results showed that the model of learning ARIAS more effective compared to conventional learning model with average value of experimental class posttest is 81.25 and class control is 74.25. Based on the results of the calculation of the test t-independent retrieved tcount > ttable 3.704 1.671 then Ho denied. Because Ho denied that the results obtained studying TIK students apply learning models ARIAS are better than the results of conventional learning with student learning. The results of the assessment of performance in both psychomotor domain class sample i.e. experimental class 91.29% (the predicate "very good") and grade control 87% (the predicate "very good"). There is an increasing influence of the TIK learning outcomes for grade VIII model through the application of learning hypothesis test is evidenced by the ARIAS gain (Independent Samples Test) obtained Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) 0.005 < (Sig) 0.05.

Keywords: the learning model ARIAS, The Results of the Study, The Index Gain, TIK


