Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation Pada Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi (TIK) Di Kelas VII SMPN 2 Padang
This research was conducted to find out the results of a study on the cognitive domain of students using a learning model Group Investigation with students who use conventional learning and to find out whether the increased cognitive domain of learning outcomes students use learning Group Investigation better than on the results of student learning that uses conventional learning. This research uses experimental research method (Control Group Pretest-Postest). The population of this research is the whole grade VII SMP 2 Padang totalling eight classes, and sampelnya is the grade 1 and grade VII. VII. 4 that each class comprises 33 students to classroom experimentation and 34 grade control. Research data collected through a test instrument shaped esay and hypothesis testing is done using the t-test test-analysis. based on t values from the posttest, with α = 0.05 criterion retrieved the Sig (2-tailed) = 0.075:2 = 0.0375 < 0.05. There can be concluded that the results of learning the lesson that students use a model Group Investigation better than on the results of student learning that uses conventional learning. Based on the analysis of the Description of the Index Gain from pretest-posttest obtained an average score gain class experiment and control each of 0.4516 and 0.3228 can diinterprestasikan gain class experimentation and control incoming class criteria are from the calculation result test t obtained the value of the Sig (2-tailed) score gain = 0.108:2 = 0.054 > 0.05. Analysis of gain enhancement of learning outcome experiment classes and control classes are the same.
Keywords: Model Group Investigation, TIK and Learning Results