Pengembangan Media E-learning Berbasis Web Dilengkapi Pre-test Dan Post-test Pada Materi Melakukan Perbaikan Bagi Siswa Jurusan Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) di SMK


  • . Febrian
  • Karmila Suryani
  • Eril Syahmaidi


This research aims to produce the design of learning media, such as web-based training (e-learning) which is valid, practical, and effective to learn about making improvements of peripherals in vocational schools (SMK). This research is a research development by using models Pre-test and Post-test. E-learning is validated by two experts of media validators and one expert of material validator. The result of this validation shows that E-learning has been valid at the level of 89% good category. Afterwards, the practical tests are done for the students, the trial aspects for students is to observe the aspect of students interests, the aspect of using process, the aspect of students’ creativity upgrade, the aspect of sufficient time, as well as the aspect of evaluation in learning to make improvements of peripheral. The result of practicality test has been practical at the level of 85, 56% good category. For the result of the study, the test of effectiveness is done by taking the value of the evaluation toward the students. The result of effectivity in the web-based training has been effective at the level of 86% good category. Based on the above data, it can be concluded that web-based E-learning has been valid, practical, and effective as well. It can be used in learning method for the vocational schools. It also can be developed and used in different learning.

Keywords: E-learning, Web-based training, Pre-test and Post-test, TKJ


