Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Tipe Make A Match Dalam PembelajaranTeknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Kartika 1-7 Padang
The aim of this rescarch was to know whether the students’ ICT learning sutcomer that applied Make A Match type of cooperative learning model was better than students ict learning ontcomes that applied conventional learning to the students VIII grade at SMP Kartika 1-7 Padang. ICT learning process in VIII grade at SMP Kartika 1-7 Padang still focused to the teacher and most of the students were tess confident to ask the during the learning process. This problem gave impact to the low students ict learning outcomes. The possible solution to solve this was applied the Make A Match type of cooperative learning model. The design of this research was the whole member of VIII grade at SMP Kartika 1-7 Padang in academic year 2015/2016. The sampel of this research were divided into two random selected classes, they were VIII 2 grade (experiment) and VIII 1 grade (control). Based on the analysis from learning outiomes data, experiment class had average score 78,60 and control class had average score 68,53. Based on the analysis from students final test data, the researcher got the value of tcunted = 0,004 and the value of ttable = 0,05, because tcounted > ttable so the hypothesis were accepted. It can be concluded that students ICT learning outcomes that applied Make A Match type of cooperative learning model was better than students ICT learning outcomes that applied conventional
Key words : Learning, Make A Match information and communication technique (ICT)
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