Konflik dan Moralitas Tokoh dalam Novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat Karya Sutan Sati


  • Jufri .
  • Gunetti .
  • Romi Isnanda



The purposes of this research is to discribe (1) the conflict character the novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Sutan Sati, (2)  the moralisation to be a reproduction of the character and nature in novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Sutan Sati that by good value and bad value that picture in theme and mandate . The theory usedis the opinionsby Burhan Nurgiyantoro (2005) about theInvestigate Fiction, Bertens (2005) about the Etika.This research is a qualitative study usingdescriptivemethods. Results of data analysis follows novelSengsara Membawa Nikmat by Sutan Sati undergone conflict internal (inner) to consist of 27 data. Insidethat, figure important also undergone conflict eksternal (physical), to consist of 23 data. At last, according to the public conflictdominanceto met in novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Sutan Sati is conflict internal (inner), becausefigurewithin novel to havecontroversyinneraccompany figure.Value moralityin novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmat, can be found goodand bad value. Good value discoveryin figure Midun, because Midun isthe good people , respectful, modesty, like helped, grudge not, anddiligentdevout. Whilebad valuepossible in figure Kacak, becausehe issomeonethatgrudge, arrogant, wicked, saying coarse, and usuallybring misfortune on Midun. at last getconclusionthat novel Sengsara Membawa Nikmatby Sutan Sati desriptiveconflictand moralityto getinfigure important.


Keyword :conflict, value morality, figure.




