Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Mobile-Learning Berbasis Android pada Mata Pelajaran Menerapkan Fungsi Peripheral dan Instalasi PC di SMK ADZKIA Padang
This research aims to develop learning media M-Learning Android based on a valid, practical and effective for learning in the subjects apply the function and installation of PC peripherals. Research /type of method used is the method of research and development (Research and Development). M-Learning-based Android has this been in the validation by an expert in the field validator 2 M-Learning-based Android and 1 validator expert material with 84.99% percentage, the results of this validation indicates that the Android-based M-Learning is already valid. Then do test the practicalities to students, tested aspects of try to the students to see the aspects of interest of the students, this aspect of the process, the use of improved creativity of students, the available time evaluation aspect enough, in the lessons apply function of peripheral and PC installations. Trial results-based M-Learning the practicalities of Android have been practical with a percentage of 82%. For the results of the study, conducted a test of the effectiveness of the value evaluation of M-learning-based Android is already effective percentage 88%. Based on the above data it can be concluded that the media learning, M-Learning-based Android has been valid, practical and effective and can be used in learning both at home and at school.
Keywords: Media learning, M-Learning-based Android
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