Pengembangan E-book Pembelajaran Menggunakan Flipbook Berbasis Web Pada Siswa Kelas X Jurusan Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) Di SMK ADZKIA Padang


  • Wisnu Ardiansyah
  • . Khairudin
  • Rini Widyastuti


This research aims to develop an E-book learning using web based flipbook in students of class X Department of computer engineering network (TKJ) at SMK Padang ADZKIA a valid, practical and effective.This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). Aspect that are tested  by expert and teacher is the substance of the matter, display media, learning material, design and utilization of the software on the media E-book learning using web based flipbook. The results of the validation by an expert and teachers are already valid value is evidenced by the validity of 92%. Being on the students to see the interest of students, the process of increasing its use, the liveliness of students and the time students. The results of the practicalities of using the now evidenced by the average rating of 84% by category of effectiveness with the test proved by the results of student learning of 89%. Based on data validity, practicalities and effectiveness can be inferred that the media E-book learning using web based flipbook has been valid, practical and effective and can be used to learning process in SMK.

Keywords: E-book, Flipbook, Research and Development (R&D)


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