This study was motivated by the low activity and student learning outcomes in learning. Efforts to do is increase the activity and student learning outcomes through Problem Solving method. This study aimed to describe the increased activity and student learning outcomes in learning civics using Problem Solving in the Classroom VIII.1 SMP NI Tapan. This research is a classroom action research conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016 in SMP NI Tapan. Subjects were VIII.1 grade students of SMP NI Tapan totaling 25 students. The study was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisting of three meetings. The research instrument is a matter which form of essays and observation sheet of students and teachers aspects. The results of students' cognitive learning aspects of understanding the value of the average grade in the first cycle is 72, rising to 85.6 in the second cycle and has surpassed the KKM is 75. Activity of students in a discussion on the first cycle is 64%. Increased in the second cycle to 78%. Activity of students in co-operation on the first cycle is 58% increased in the second cycle to 76%. It can be concluded that the use of Problem Solving method can improve the activity and learning outcomes in grade Civics VIII.1 SMP NI Tapan.
Keywords: activity, learning outcomes, Civics, Problem Solving
This study was motivated by the low activity and student learning outcomes in learning. Efforts to do is increase the activity and student learning outcomes through Problem Solving method. This study aimed to describe the increased activity and student learning outcomes in learning civics using Problem Solving in the Classroom VIII.1 SMP NI Tapan. This research is a classroom action research conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016 in SMP NI Tapan. Subjects were VIII.1 grade students of SMP NI Tapan totaling 25 students. The study was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisting of three meetings. The research instrument is a matter which form of essays and observation sheet of students and teachers aspects. The results of students' cognitive learning aspects of understanding the value of the average grade in the first cycle is 72, rising to 85.6 in the second cycle and has surpassed the KKM is 75. Activity of students in a discussion on the first cycle is 64%. Increased in the second cycle to 78%. Activity of students in co-operation on the first cycle is 58% increased in the second cycle to 76%. It can be concluded that the use of Problem Solving method can improve the activity and learning outcomes in grade Civics VIII.1 SMP NI Tapan.
Keywords: activity, learning outcomes, Civics, Problem Solving
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