An Analysis of the Fourth Year Students’ Ability in Comprehending Sample Listening Test From Barron’s TOEFL Book at The English Department FKIP Bung Hatta University


  • Rovel Handri
  • . ernati
  • Welya Roza


The purpose of this research is to describe the fourth year students’ ability of English Department FKIP Bung Hatta University Padang in comprehending sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron.Population of this research was the fourth year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University who has registered in 2009/2010. The total number of population was 208 students. The researcher choses the fourth year students because he assumed that they have passed listening courses. The population was distributed into six classes: Class A, B, C, D, E and F. In this research, the researcher used cluster random sampling technique. Class F was taken as sample.

This research belongs to descriptive research. This research was designed to find out the students’ ability in comprehending sample listening TOEFL test published by Barron. The data of this research ware collected by administering a set of listening comprehension test. The data ware students’ score in comprehending English listening test. It was collected by administering multiple-choice test as instruments. The test consisted of 50 items and the students’ asked to answer all questions in 45 minutes. Each item of tests got 2 scores. So, the highest possible score was 100 and the lowest one is 0.

In general, students’ ability in comprehending sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron was moderate. It was indicated by the fact that majority of students had moderate ability (61,2 %). The data showed that 6 students (19,4 %) of the students had high ability, 19 students (61,2%) of students had moderate ability, while 6 students (19,4 % ) of students had low ability in comprehending sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron. Students’ ability in comprehending conversation of  sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron was moderate. It was indicated by the fact that majority of students had moderate ability, that is 87,1 %. The data showed that 3 students (9,7 %) of the students had high ability, 27 students (87,1 %) of students had moderate ability, while 1 students  (3,2 %) of students had low ability in comprehending sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron.

Students’ ability in comprehending lectures of sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron was moderate. It was indicated by the fact that majority of students had moderate ability, (74,2 %). The data showed that 4 students (12,9 %) had high ability, 23 students (74,2 %) had moderate ability, while 4 students (19,2 %) had low ability in comprehending sample TOEFL listening test published by Barron.

From the result of data analysis, the researcher can draw the conclusions that student’ ability in listening sample TOEFL test published by Barron is moderate. Based on this result it is suggested to lecturers who teach listening to consider their teaching aspects in listening materials and the lecturer should give more exercises to improve students’ ability in comprehending listening. And for students, in comprehending listening, the students are suggested to increase their vocabulary. So, they can know the meaning of the words or sentences stated in the text and the students are expected to do more exercises in listening.

Kata kunci : Kemampuan menyimak, buku sampel TOEFL Barron


