Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) Pada Pembalajaran KKPI Siswa Kelas X Jurusan Akuntansi di SMKN 1 Payakumbuh
This study aims to determine student learning outcomes by applying PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflec, Recite, and Review) is better than the results of student learning by using conventional methods in the eyes of students Computer Skills Processing Information class students of Accounting Department in SMKN1 Payakumbuh. In order to keep improving student learning outcomes of the lesson the class X KKPI Accounting Department at SMK Negeri 1 Payakumbuh would require further research. Issues examined in this study are: Are the learning outcomes of students KKPI PQ4R learning method is better than the student learning outcomes using conventional methods ?. This study aims to determine student learning outcomes KKPI PQ4R learning method is better than the conventional learning student learning outcomes. This type of research is experimental. The population under study is a class X student of Accounting Department at SMK Negeri 1 Payakumbuh in the academic year 2015/2016, amounting to 109 students consisting of three classes of research using purporsive Sampling is sampling technique with a certain considerations. The research instrument used in this study included trials using Likert scale questions that have been tested for validity and reliability. Then analyzed statistically using the SPSS version 17 with the help of student learning outcomes are achieved through the ultimate test in the form of essay as many as 10 items with the average value for the experimental class and control class = 73.75 = 69.03dan t test then obtained t = 2524 and table = 1.666 for thitung> ttable reject H0 and accept H1, that means learning results of students learning KKPI PQ4R method is better than the KKPI learning results of students learning the conventional method.