Pengembangan Modul Praktikum Sistem Operasi Pada Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Komputer Universitas Bung Hatta
The purpose of this research is to generate practical module operating system as an alternative medium of learning that is easily learned and understood for students – Informatics and computer engineering education University Bung Hatta desert. This type of research is a research and development (research & developement). Process in the development of this module using the model 4 d (four-D model), which consists of the definition, design, development and distribution. This practical module development using the Microsoft office Publisher and software Corel Draw version 13 of this research consists of 1 person to test the validity of validators and 10 students of Informatics and computer engineering education Bung Hatta University field to test the practicalities. Analytical techniques descriptive statistics using the data in the form of a percentage. This research resulted in the product in the form of module teaching operating system. After afew times of revisions on the advice of the validator, this module is declared valid and for the level of practical categories modules on practicality with a percentage of 85%. Based on the results of test validity and practicalities, it can be concluded that the module teaching operating system on Informatics and Computer Engineering Department of University of Bung Hatta developed declared valid and practical.
Keywords: Teaching Modules, Operating Systems