Hubungan Kebiasaan Belajar Dan Sikap Belajar Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Sistem Operasi Kelas XII TKJ SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang


  • Feri Fitrianto
  • . Khairudin
  • Karmila Suryani


This study aimed to describe Relations of Habituals Study and Student’s Attitudes Toward Learning Outcome in the Subject of Operating System Installation in the grades of XII TKJ at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang, and to describe Relations of Habituals Study  and Student’s Attitudes Toward Learning Outcome in the Subject of Operating System Installation in the grades of XII TKJ at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Padang. The type of this research was descriptive Correlational. The total population of all students were 64 people from the grades of XII. The sampling techniques in this study are taken randomly (simple random sampling). The results showed: (1) There is a correlation or significant relationship between the Habituals study in the learning outcomes of 0.750, (2) Learning Attitude will contribute to the learning outcomes of 0.461, (3) and the contribution of the Habitual Study to the learning outcomes amounted to 0,745. It can be concluded, that this study had better habits and attitudes in the learning outcome, the learning outcome will be better anyway.


Keywords: Study Habits and Attitudes Student Learning, Learning Outcomes, Descriptive Correlational, Simple Random Sampling.


