Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa Terhadap Kebiasaan Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran TIK Kelas VIII di SMP N 3 Padang


  • Ade Selfiani
  • . Khairudin
  • Hendra Hidayat


The objective of the research is to determine the correlation of student’s emotional intelligence towards learning habits on TIK subject of class VIII of SMP N 3of Padang. The method of the research was descriptive. The population of this research was all of students at class VIII of SMP N 3 of Padang they were 198 students. The sampling technique was random sampling. The data were analyzed by using normality test, regression, correlation coefficient, and coefficient of contributions with SPSS version 16.0. The results of the research indicated that there was significant contribution between student’s emotional intelligence toward learning habits on TIK subject of Class VIII of SMP N 3 of Padang by 22.2%. The research concluded that there was a relationship between student’s emotional intelligence and learning habits on TIK subject of Class VIII of SMP N 3 of Padang.

Keyword : Emotional Intelligence, Study Habits. Descriptive Correlation


