Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Open Ended (OE) Dalam Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 14 Padang


  • Bakhyeni Eliza
  • . Khairudin
  • Rini Widyastuti


The research objective was to determine whether the learning outcomes of students whose learning ICT implement cooperative learning model is better than open-ended learning outcomes of students whose learning ICT applying conventional learning in class VIII SMP N 14 Padang. The learning process Information and Communication Technology in class VIII SMP N 14 Padang is still centered on the teacher and the majority of students are less daring submit questions during the learning process. This has an impact on learning outcomes of students' ICT low. Efforts should be made to overcome that by implementing cooperative learning model open ended. This type of research is an experimental research. The population in this study were all students of class VIII SMP N 14 Padang school year 2016/2017. The sample consisted of two classes chosen by the advice given by the subject teacher is class VIII.1 (experimental) and VIII.5 class (control). Based on the data obtained by analysis of learning outcomes in the experimental class has an average value of 84.17 and the control class has an average value of 77.11. Based on the student's final test data analysis obtained t = 0.009 and table = 0,05.Karena thitung <ttabel then the hypothesis is rejected. So it can be concluded that the ICT learning outcomes of students who apply cooperative learning model open ended better than ICT learning outcomes of students who apply conventional learning.

Keywords: experimental research, a model of cooperative open ended, ICT


