Characters Female Figure In the Novel “Senja Kaca” By Almino Situmorang


  • Julda Satria
  • Gusnetti .
  • Syofiani .


This study aimed to describe the nature of female characters in the novel Senja Kaca by Almino Situmorang. This study is a qualitative study using descriptive analysis method. The data in this study is an excerpt hold a female character in the novel Senja Kaca by Almino Situmorang. This research was conducted with several stages. First, the reading stage, ie to read and understand the novel as a whole. Second, the data relating to the marking female character in the novel Senja Kaca. Third, grouping data relating to the female character in the novel Senja Kaca. Fourth, classifyingdata. Fifth, analyze the data and make inferences. Based on the analysis of data it can be concluded that women who like things that are practical and more interested in the issue of household is 13 data. Female character who essentially is more and more highlighted heterosentris social nature there are 9 data. While the female character who always steadfast and strong when facing disaster there are 10 data. While the nature of women in daily life more active and assertive found 2 data. The character of women prefer to turn to various lighter jobs found 4 data.

Key word: character, figure, the novel Senja Kaca


