The purposes of this research were to described (1) the elements of the structure of novel Halaman Terakhirby Yudhi Herwibowo which includes: theme, plot, background, setting or characterizations and (2) the criminality action, causes, and solutions of the criminality problem. The theory is used in this research are literary by Ahadiat (2007), Atmazaki (2007), Faruk (2005), Nurgiyantoro (2010), then theory criminology by Hagan (2013), also Santoso and Zulfa (2015). The type of this research was qualitative by using descriptive method. The object of the research is novel Halaman Terakhir focused on structure, includes: theme, plot, background or setting and characterizations, also criminality aspects. The steps are performed in collect data for the study are (1) reading and understand the novel Halaman Terakhir by Yudhi Herwibowo; (2) record all the data related to the problems examined in Halaman Terakhir by Yudhi Herwibowo; (3) tabulates data contained in Halaman Terakhir by Yudhi Herwibowo. Data analysis techniques are (1) classifies data according to research of literature which include novel structural and aspects of criminality; (2) analyze the data in the form of dialogue that illustrates the elements of novel structures and aspects of criminality in Halaman Terakhirby Yudhi Herwibowo the theory of structure of the novel and criminality; (3) resume the analysis of data. Based on the analysis of the data found the following matters. First, structurally, Halaman Terakhir novel’s has social theme, it can be see from the criminality problems that happened in the society. Plot story is chronological plot, where the author describes the first conflict until the ending of the conflict. The background of the story Yogyakarta, small shop, police’s office, home, on the road, and in the prison. The story occurs in the morning, in the afternoon, and the social background tells about the social problems that happen among the society in Yogyakarta. Characterizations make the story interesting and each figure able to animate its character. Second, criminality aspects that were finding in this novel are: kidnapping , rape and smuggling. The criminality were motivated by personality factor and society factor. This problem can be solved by Hoegeng to catch the perpetrators but the they live freely without punishment according with the KUHP, because the interference from other parties. Based on this result of the research, it can be concluded that there were some criminality aspects in Halaman Terakhir novel.
Keywords: criminality, Halaman Terakhir novel, sociology literrature