Pengaruh Sertifikasi terhadap Kompetensi Sosial Guru Bidang Studi Bahasa Indonesia SMP MTS dan SMA Se-Kecamatan Sumpur Kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung


  • Syafri Anggel Putra
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Syofiani .



The purpose of this research was to prove the certification influence to social competence of teacher of bahasa Indonesia of SMP MTS and SMA in Sumpur Kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung. The main theory used are opinion by Mulyasa (2008) about competency standards and teacher certification and Sujanto (2009) about teacher certification. Types of this research was quantitave research with used ex-post facto method. The independent variables was the teacher certification of bahasa Indonesian of SMP MTS and SMA in Sumpur Kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung and the dependent variable was sosial competence of teacher of bahasa Indonesia. Data sourced from respondents consist of colleague teachers, students, and the community around teacher. The certified teacher was 8 person and the uncertified teachers was 9 person. To collect data on the social competence of teachers used questionnaires instruments. Analyzed using the difference t-test, which is preceded by the prerequisite test that consists of normality and homogeneity test. By normality test found that the social competence of teachers are certified and not certified normal distribution for the results of Lo and Ltables with real level of 0.05 at 0.0250 < 0.1309, while the results of the test data homogeneity social competence of teachers of bahasa Indonesia is homogenous, because the Lcounted 1,95 < Ltable 4,02. After test the hypothesis tcounted > ttable that was tcounted = 1,8030 and ttable = 0,0250 then 1,8030 > 0,0250 so that Ho rejected and Ha accepted. Based on the explanation above, it was concluded the social competence of teachers of bahasa Indonesian of SMP MTS and SMA in Sumpur Kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung higher than the teachers who have not been certified. Thus, significantly certification has an influence on the social competence of teachers.

Key word: Social competence, certified teachers, uncertified teacher


