KajianKonduktivitas Thermal Material Biokomposit HAP-Silica UntukAplikasiBiomedis


  • Ahmad Rizky Rizky teknik mesin univ bung hatta
  • burmawi burmawi burmawi teknik mesin univ bung hatta
  • suryadimal suryadimal suryadimal teknik mesin univ bung hatta


Hydroxyapatite is a natural inorganic element derived from bone that can be utilized for bone regeneration, repairing, filling, expanding and reconstructing bone tissue. Thermal conductivity not only explains how heat energy travels from one object to another but can also predict the rate of heat transfer that occurs under certain conditions. A heat flow will occur when the temperature of the body is different, because of the temperature difference, there will be continuous heat flow from the hotter areas to the cooler areas. Where the heat conductivity value is different in each composition is filter and matrix composition 85%: 15% = 15,923 W / m ° K, while the filter and matrix composition is 90%: 10% = 13,883 W / m ° K, and the composition of the filter and 95% matrix: 5% = 11.146 W / m ° K. 

Keywords: Hydroxyapatite, silica, Implants, thermal conductivity

Author Biographies

Ahmad Rizky Rizky, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta

burmawi burmawi burmawi, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta

suryadimal suryadimal suryadimal, teknik mesin univ bung hatta

teknik mesin univ bung hatta


