In super tofu factory is a tofu factory that has 2500 kg production capacitt in a day. There are several stations that must be passed in the production process namely, station immersion, milling stations, pressing stations, stirring stations, boiling stations, , pressuring station, cutting stations and packaging station. Station that use for producing the tofu is immersion, milling, pressuring, boiling, molding, slicing and packaging. Especially in milling station,an operator doing activity that lifted 7 kg basket with capacity about 2500kg per day. Operator lift about 358 times a day and it potentially cause muscular injury to the operator. To improve posture at work it is necessary to improve the facility by using the concept of anthropometry. So this study aims to identify employee complaints by spreading questionnaires on 20 respondents whose results obtained 30% identified high muscle injury MSDs and 55% muscle injury MSDs are, doing a job posture assessment by analyzing work posture using RULA method and got total score 9 Which immediately repairs the work posture as soon as possible, and proposes the improvement of the work posture using anthropometric data related to the activities performed by the milling station operator, improved work postures obtained increased to a mild degree of risk. The results of this study suggest that immediate improvement in posture to reduce the occurrence of muscle injury MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders).
Key Word: Tofu Factory, Musculoskeletal Disorders, RULA
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