Wind is one of the renewable energy sources being developed at this time. Wind energy including renewable energy is defined as energy that can be produced quickly back through natural processes. Some of the advantages of renewable energy such as wind are: the source is relatively easy to obtain, may be obtained free of charge, minimal waste, does not affect the temperature of the Earth globally, and not affected by the increase in fuel prices. This plan discusses the use of wind energy as a producer of electricity using wind turbines Savonius. To obtain the electric energy is used as electricity-generating alternator and electrical energy generated is stored using battery. Therefore a wind power plant (PLTAn) small scale with simple construction and easy maintenance is a solution that can be operated by the communities themselves. Initial data obtained design wind speed with a speed of 5.2 m / s and 300 watts of power plan. From the results obtained dimensional design turbine blade Savonius type L with a height of 0.95 m and a width of 0.6 m. Shaft length 2300 mm, 20 mm shaft diameter, bearing diameter 20 mm, 300 mm diameter drive pulley, driven pully 70 mm and 1016 mm v belt circumference.
Keywords : Renewable Energy, Wind Turbine Savonius, Power.