ABC Pareto Classification is a product grouping. In the ABC method Pareto Classification describes how it works in order of products from products that contribute the greatest to total business profits to the smallest contributing products. This study aims to classify products based on demand value. The product under study is the product contained in CV. MAHKOTA and has 450 kinds of products. A total of 450 types of products are analyzed against the method of ABC Paerto Classification by sorting products that are able to give a big profit category A 80%, the product that gives the benefit of being category B 15%, and the product that gives a little profit category C 5%. In this study also discusses over stock and stock out. In this research there is no problem with stock out, but there is only problem of over stock which accumulate product in warehouse which cost a lot of storage.
Keywords: ABC Pareto Classification, over stock, stock out.
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