Kaji Eksperimental Perpindahan Kalor Alat Penyulingan Sampah Non Organik (LDPE) Menjadi Bahan Bakar Minyak Dengan Menggunakan Penukar Kalor Pendingin air
One alternative to handling plastic waste that is currently widely studied by experts in the field of energy conversion and which hasbeen developed is to convert plastic waste into fuel. According to Fahlezi, the development of plastic bebahan energy source is one of
the more and more garbage dumping solutions. This study aims to obtain liquid fuel from pyrolysis of plastic waste that is safe for
humans and the environment. Fuel oil produced by non-organic waste refiners will be one of the alternatives to oil materials that are
experiencing a crisis at this time. The pyrolysis process is the process of changing the plastic waste phase from the gas phase to the
liquid phase in a water-cooled heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is used as a means of exchanging energy between two fluids that
have been poured in the pipe, so that 1000 grams of plastic waste with a temperature of 387 o C produces oil in a certain quantity.
The quantities of thermodynamics that work such as temperature, pressure and volume are measured by each measuring instrument
on the condenser. After testing by varying the processing time the following data were obtained. During the 30 minute experiment on
the condenser there was a heat transfer rate in the 12.89W condenser pipe. When the time added by 60 minutes heat transfer value
increased to 18.86W, whereas when the time of 900 minutes obtained an increase in heat transfer value of 30.2604W. From the
analysis of the use of water-cooled condensers that the capacity of the oil produced depends on the rise in temperature, meaning that
higher combustion temperatures will produce an average of 1kg of low density polyethelene plastic (LDPE) and 0.8ml of oil
equivalent to diesel.
Keywords ; waste low density polyethelene (LDPE), temperature, pyrolysis, condensation.