
  • Hafid Mardyan
  • Eddy Soesilo
  • Mirzazoni .




Pinang fruit has several uses by the public for various diseases such as killing the worms, stopping the bleeding, dysentery, bloody diarrhea, and scabies. areca is also popularly used as a complement of culture menyirih in various regions in Indonesia. Meanwhile, overseas more popular arecan processed into consuming ingredients such as delicious snacks in the form of candy, pharmaceutical raw materials and can also be used as a natural red dye. The process of pine seedling is commonly done by drying it in the heat of sunlight. Drying in this way proves to be ineffective because it takes a long time, wide place, sun exposure, so that at night or during rain the drying process can not be done. Therefore, automatic and intelligent pinchar dryers which can be used in cycles and are not dependent on weather conditions as the main requirement, in this pin nut dryer if the condition of the water content is detected from the desired standard, the drying system will be activated by the activation its heater, fan, buzzer, lcd. After reaching the predetermined moisture value (12%), the buzzer will sound as the drying process on the betel nut is complete. then the system will turn off the heater followed by turning off the fan, lcd. the benefits of using this pinang drying machine, the drying becomes accurate, fast and energy efficient and the result of this nut drying becomes hygienic without fear of bacteria on the areca nut, the drying result on the areca nut will be able to improve the quality of pinang seed, the selling price is expensive and profitable for pinwheel collectors.

Keyword : ArduinoUno Atmega 328, Sensor Dht11, heater, fan.


