Particulate Matter in the Water of Source Ponds, Water Purification Plants and Their Distribution Systems
Water is essential for life. Driven by the development of water purification technologies and water quality regulations, the use of better source water and/or upgraded water treatment processes to improve drinking water quality have become common practices worldwide. This research compared the characteristics of water quality (pH, EC, ORP, Turbidity, Color, UV 260, Free Chlorine and Total Chlorine, DOC and SS) between two water treatment plants (WTP); they are OT WTP and TN WTP that have shown different result. This is due to different raw water source that will make different treatment for it. Then the purified water resulted from them have been up to standard. Basic water quality parameters can become an indication for particulate matter distribution during water treatment process until sending pipe. Particulate matter content after purified water to sending pipe is higher at OT WTP than TN WTP due to the piping system on it, the distances of distribution to supply point and resident time of water.
Keywords : water; purification; water quality; particulate matter; plant; sending pipe