Pengaruh Konsentrasi Katalis Hidrolisis dan Jenis Nutrient Mikroba dalam Pembuatan Bioetanol dari Tepung Umbi Singkong Karet (Manihot Glaziovii Muell)
Cassava rubber (Manihot glaziovii Muell) has a carbohydrate content (starch) of 98.47%. This is a potential figure for the processing of carbohydrates (starch) into ethanol. Bioethanol is a product of hydrolysis of starch to glucose with HClO4 acid catalyst followed by fermentation of sugar using yeast bread and Saccharomyces cerevisiae anaerob into bioethanol. This study aims to determine the best concentration of HClO4 acid catalyst in hydrolysis and fermentation nutrient type to bioethanol content. This research was conducted in several stages, including hydrolysis of cassava rubber starch starch with variable concentration of HClO4 acid to be glucose followed by fermentation of glucose into bietanol. Purification of bioethanol is done by distillation process. Glucose level analysis was performed by luff-schoorl method, while the measurement of bioethanol with density conversion. The results have been achieved for variable concentration of HClO4 acid with a concentration of 0.00 N; 0.05 N; 0.10 N; 0.15 N and 0.20 N obtained the highest glucose levels in HClO4 acid with a concentration of 0.20 N. While for the type of nutrient fermentation variables found the highest ethanol content using bread yeast is 15.88% in nutrient urea type, nutrient fermentation obtained the highest ethanol content using Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is 15,88% in nutrient urea type.