
  • Firly Hidayatullah
  • . noviyarsi
  • Aidil Ikhsan


Packing is an important part of product because good packaging has many functions, especially can add selling value of product at market. Packaging has many functions such as securing, maintaining health, providing information, and more. The aim to be achieved in this research was to design the packaging of Sticky Rice Durian Melted. Kansei Method was used in this study by collecting Kansei Word, so that packaging can be sought by consumers who are in accordance with the wishes of consumers. By using the Kansei Method we can determine the consumer’s desire for the design of the marketed product. So that by using the Kansei Method we get the packaging results that directly translate the feelings of consumers. Therefore companies must utilize human resources and hone creativity to make things that can attract consumers. A packaging is not only to decorate the product, but also as a medium of information, protecting even as a means to sell the product, withthe form design and visual packaging will protect the product to stay awake durability and form of the product, not least food with good packaging will always attract and secure the product to the hands of consumers. Final result pointed out ten Kansei Word, that were composition, easy, tight, unique, useful, advantage, natural, creative, quality, label, identity, elegant, description.

Keywords: Packaging, Sticky Rice Durian Melted, Consumer, Kansei Method


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