
  • Ade Agusri
  • Ayu Bidiawati
  • Eva Suryani


This study relates to the physical environment of work, especially lighting systems in departments that exist in PT.Prima Baru Engineering engaged in manufacturing that produces workshop products such as engine parts and so forth. One of the less productive work environment conditions in the lighting system on plaint I and plaint II in each department is not conducive and effective for workers in doing a job on the prusahaan. Among them is the level of lighting that is still not meet the standards according to the Minister of Health Decree no. 1405 / MENKES / SK / XI / 2002 which is 300 lux. The type of light source that has not met the standard and the number and type of lights that have not been optimal. After performing data processing to determine the number of lamps and lamps used to meet the optimum lighting according to predefined standards. then than that the recommended type of light is Philips Bulb LED type with 4 watts of power has a 350 lux light output. with the use of the recommended type of light then the scrap machine department using 2 units of light bulbs and department of lathe 4 units of light bulbs with a distance of 2 m from the engine with a light output produced 300 lux.


Keywords: Lighting, Lux, Repair, Lighting Recommendation


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