
  • Prilly Tamara Sukanda
  • Lestari Setiawati
  • Ayu Bidiawati


Scheduling was defined as an allocation of resources over a time span to do a bunch of tasks. this company is a job shop company. The goal of scheduling was to minimizing cost of tardiness and cost of tardiness. In a time based of scheduling known as tardiness and negative tardiness,when it's associated with a positive overcharged scheduling system It raised a settlement fee that was too slow and a negative delay costs too much a settlement. Pelita Bunda's Furniture was the type of company that moves in manufacturing. The new method of backward-forward non delay is scheduling.  It turned out that the changing of time and method was capable of solving problems job shop scheduling with criteria minimizing total cost of completion that was too fast and the completion was too slow. Based on the results of the research, 4 jobs were completed over the deadline and 3 jobs were could be completed before the final drop in a total of expenses amount to $219.935.9.

Keywords: Tardiness, Earliness, Backward-Forward Non Delay


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