
  • Leonardo Gun Mada
  • Aidil Ikhsan
  • M. Nursyaifi Yulius


Recently, we are shocked by the news of the bankruptcy of one of the pioneer supermarkets that carries the concept of supermarkets and coffee shops, namely Seven Eleven not to mention the buzz Amazon has made through AmazonGo (supermarket integrated with smartphone applications) which might enter the Indonesian market. By planning concepts “No lines, No checkout” AmazonGo can be a tough competitor for famous supermarket brands such as Carrefour, Hypermart and others. The method used in this research is the survey methodology. Research carried out is expected to answer the four hypothesis, that: (1) are product significantly affect customer satisfaction, (2) are the price significantly affect customer satisfaction, (3) the place significant influence on consumer satisfaction, (4) the promotion effect significantly to customer satisfaction Foodmart Basko Grand Mall. The population in this research are all consumers of the Foodmart Basko Grand Mall. The sample in this study were selected by purposive sampling technique, the total of sample are 100 respondent. The analysis result showed that in partial products significantly influence customer satisfaction of Foodmart Basko Grand Mall Kota Padang with t count (3.841)> t table (1.982) and significant (0.000) <(0.05). Prices give a significant effect on customer satisfaction Foodmart Basko Grand Mall Kota Padang with t count (2.087)> t table (1.982) and significant (0.040) <(0.05). The significant places on customer satisfaction Foodmart Basko Grand Mall City Padang ant arithmetic (4.455)> t table (1.982) and significant (0.000) <(0.05). The promotion significant effect on customer satisfaction Foodmart Basko Grand Mall Kota Padang with t count (4.916)> t table (1.982) and significant (0.000) <(0.05). This result shows that the partial all independent variables have a significant impact on consumer satisfaction. On simultaneous test, that was found that the value of F arithmetic (96.737) with a significant level of (0.000) <(0.005) means that the entire variable of marketing mix have significant effect to customer satisfaction


Keywords: analyze the influence of marketing mix, Information about consumer satisfaction, product, price, place, and promotion


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