Perbaikan Kualitas Layanan GOJEK Cabang Kota Padang Dengan Menngunakan Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Online transportation is a necessary of today society to do mobility. One important thing to do is to provide good products and services to produce a high level of satisfaction. This research was conducted on GOJEK online transportation (online taxi) Padang City region. Improving the quality of this product is done to identify the desires of customers. The method of measuring product quality used is the Serqual and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. The results of Serqual are known to be the highest level of satisfaction, namely price compatibility with service quality and the lowest level of satisfaction, namely the knowledge of the driver regarding the services offered. QFD is planning to develop improvements to product weaknesses obtained from the results of Importance-Performance Analysis. From QFD, House of Quality (HOQ) was obtained, which was a plan for developing improvements and obtaining priority products to be improved by GOJEK Padang city region, among others: Driver's knowledge of Padang city streets and driver's reading ability.
Keywords: Service Quality, Importance Performance Analysis, Quality Function Deployment.
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