CV. Gemilang is a company engaged in manufacturing, especially furniture that produces various types of sofas. Among the work stations during the process found the operator's work posture that was less ergonomic at work. over time this condition results in complaints of certain body parts such as the upper back, neck, lower back and hips caused by poor work postures and uncomfortable work facilities. Therefore researcher wants to improve work stations that are less ergonomic based on complaints felt by workers on making sofa to reduce the potential risks due to non-ergonomic work postures. The results showed that cardboard and foam assembly work station had the largest complaints of MSD. The result of QEC method showed an exposure level of 79.54% with action level 4 and WERA method showed score is 47. The calculation of energy consumption showed that this job is extream heavy. Proposed improvement is the design of hydraulic folding table. After the improvement, the QEC results shows an exposure level is 63.63% with action level 3 and WERA method score is 31.
Keywords: Work station, Quick Exposure Checklist, Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment, Energy Consumption
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