From the results of the interview it can be concluded that many losses occur due to problems that occur in the warehouse that cause loss (waste). Determine the waste that is dominant in the warehouses of PDAM Kota Padang, Conduct proposed warehouse arrangement with the 5S method. Observation, Documentation, 5S Audit Form, Goods Search Time Data, Organizational Structure Data, Component and Material Data, Material Handling Data, Warehouse Layout, Preparation Phase, Seiri Design (concise), Designing (neat) seiton, Designing seiso (rehearsal), Design of seiketsu (care), Design of shitsuke (diligent), Evaluation, Preparation stage, the design that resolves the problems that often occur is caused by a lot of mixing of components and materials, the design that corrects the waste of motion problems caused by difficulties in finding components and materials. This design is useful so that warehouses have a standard in improving 5S implementation so that this culture can be maintained so that the warehouse of the company is better. Such as giving roles and responsibilities so that 5S culture continues to be carried out and becomes a culture that cannot be separated from the warehouse.
Keywords: 5S, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, Waste, Waste of Motion, PDAM Kota Padang
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