Compensation is the most important thing in employment satisfaction, because the purpose of working people is to get compensation that will be used to fulfill their daily needs. If the value of wages offered by a company is deemed insufficient to meet the living needs of workers, then the worker will reject the job offered. The goal is to determine the weight of the position and determine the compensation standard for each position using the point system method. The data used in the form of respondents for the processing of Analythical Hierarchy Process are 2 cooperative supervisors, the software used is expert choice and the final job evaluation results. others, followed by skills, effort and finally working conditions. The results of the analysis found that the highest position weight is the general chairman and the lowest is the driver, proving that the position level influences the weight of the position to be obtained because the higher the level of position held, the higher the position specifications it has.
Keywords: Job Analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Job Evaluation, Basic Salary, Point Factor System.
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