Cellular phone are no longer as a needs but become completeness and lifestyle. However, problems began when the construction of telecommunication’s towers that were used to accommodate Base Transceiver Station (BTS) which is the main supporting infrastructure in the cellular telecommunications which that requires the availability of land, buildings and air space, so if the construction of the tower not under control it will have an impact to the balance of space and the aesthetics of the surrounding area. the results show the achievement level of the quality of Telkomsel cellular services based on the ability of the tower for voice, data and video communication still relative low at 37.20%. The result come from comparing between average value of interest with average value of quality that customers received. The estimate of population for five years in the future calculated based on past data is 1.24%. The target of the current availability of towers with the total needs of towers is 68.43%, this condition will certainly cause problems in the quality of services that will be received by customers. The solution of this problem is to add 6 more Telkomsel BTS telecommunication towers (31.56%) which is spread across 11 sub-districts.
Keywords: Cellular Service Quality, Tower Growth, Quadratic Method, Exponential Method.
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